Tractor Repair: tractor problem, hi chris, gas engines
QuestionI have an old International 350, its been running fine all summer, then she just started to almost starve for fuel. i checked that,ok. I changeged cap, rotor, wires, plugs. still happens. When i give it more throttle it starts to cough and back fire and sputter. It will stall at high throttle. It idles fine. i am lost. any help would be great! if not, thanks for your time
AnswerHi Chris
Your problem really sounds like a fuel restriction some place It could be in the carburetor or a line it is hard to tell if you have enough fuel flow by just looking at how it runs from the line. I am not sure on the IH tractor but most gas engines need at least a gallon a minute of flow to keep up. the other thing that will cause the problem you have is a bad coil it will sound just like it is running out of fuel they will usually run good for a short time after you have shut off the ignition for a minute or so & restart it. Big Dean