Tractor Repair: power steering conv kit, steering conversion, directional valve

i just bought a power steering conversion kit for my 2000 series ford tractor (1972 model ) and after installing it , it does not work. it is the second one that i put on and it acts just like the first one. it has a little ps to the left but none to the right. i can take the right side drag link off and it works perfect. the pump is working and it seems as though the cylinder is not strong enough or has air in it. it has stickers on it telling how to adjust it but it is in a foreign language. any help on this would be a life saver and save about 600 dollars.

Brant please tell me does the steering column move up and down to change the oil direction as this is a twin ram systeor is it a single ram on the side of the tractor if it is a single ram system it would be a hydrasteer ram and this is a rather hard job to adjust as the directional valve is in the ram could you please tell me what type you have.
I await your reply Brant   Regards Danny