Tractor Repair: Tune Up Specs- Late40s Hough w/Hercules 6cyl, hercules engines, loader backhoe

         A while back I bought a (so I was told) late 40s-early 50s Hough front loader/backhoe. The seller said that it ran a year ago and not since(he said starter was bad). After tearing starter apart and getting it to work,I couldn't get any spark.As I do not have a Spec. book I need:firing order-point/plug gap and on straight 6cyl engines is the #1 cyl closest to the radiator and do cyls run 1-6 consecutively. I have talked to others but they all say they don't know about old Hercules engines. I hope you can get this back to me asap as I need to use the loader now.  Thanks So Much
            C Thomas  1-18-03

C Thomas i am sorry i can not supply any more information other than that a usual 6 cyl firing order is 1 5 3 6 2 4
from fan to rear or flywheel end 1 4 2 5 3 6 but i have never found this one. Point gap can be between.018and.021"
Plug gap can be between .028"and.035"

                 Regards Danny Last