Triumph Repair: 1966 TR4A dual carburetors
QuestionHow do you prime the carburetors? My workshop manual says after cleaning the sediment bowl to prime the carburetors before starting the car.
AnswerHi Lowell,
The orginal fuel pump had a hand operted lever to pump fuel by hand and thus you can fill (prim) the carburetors. However many replacement fuel pumps omitted the external hand lever. If you have one of those without the lever you can remove the spark plugs and remove the wires off of the (+) side of the coil and spin the starter motor for a minute or two. Check the starter motor with your hand so as not to overheat the starter motor.
The stromberg carburetors have the float chamber on the bottom of the carburetors so you can't fill them manually like you can an SU carb.