Triumph Repair: fuel leak weber 32/36, tack hammer, steel shaft

Triumph Repair: fuel leak weber 32/36, tack hammer, steel shaft
I have fuel leaking from the small steel shaft end that shows from the front of the carb above the bowl.  I have attached a photo that points out the problem spot.

Hi John,

That is not a serviceable port. The hole was drilled for fuel flow and then the end was sealed with a plug or a ball bearing and staked closed.

If you just bought the carburetor you need to return it to what ever company you bought it from.
It is definitely a defect.

If you have had it or bought it used, all you can do is to try to tighten up the staking with a small tack hammer and punch and / or epoxy it to try to seal it.

I don't remember if Weber used a ball bearing and staked that in or just put a plug in and staked that in. Worst case if you can't stop the leak by tightening up the staking, if it is not a ball bearing but just a plug you may be able to drill it out and thread the hole and put in a short set screw with sealer on it.
