Triumph Repair: tr3 float valve, fuel gauge, float chamber

fuel chambers leaked front and back repaire d back  front flood out carb.  adjusted float valve still leaks out carb.  new grose valve still leakes only way to stop is put finger of valve hard push or push lever by hand. float will not apply enpought press to stop it.

Hi Dan,

First check the float level by placing a 7/16" bar under the hook shaped float arm and across the top of the float chamber just as the arm closes the float needle. If you are using the Gross valves, you can bend the float arm until the correct setting is achieved. Take the floats out and shake them and listen for any fuel inside. They will make a noise when you shake them next to your ear if they have fuel leaked inside.

Then put a "T" in the fuel line from the fuel pump and a low pressure fuel gauge and spin the engine and see what fuel pressure you have. You must NOT have more then 3 PSI. Normal is from 1 1/2 to 3 PSI. Any more then that will flood the carburetors.
