Triumph Motor
QUESTION: I have recently received a triumph motor, tranny and transfer case. I have no idea what motor it is I was hoping you may be able to help. This is the casting number RKC0589 23ES I have pictures attached. Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
ANSWER: Hi Michael,
The engine looks exactly like a 75-on 1500 Spitfire. The prefix of "RK" does not match any Spitfire (at least US versions all 1500 Spitfire engines after 75 used an "FM" prefix)
You say "transfer case" which refers to a 4 wheel drive and as far as I know no 4 wheel drive Triumph was brought into this country (if there were any) does this transfer case have a output drive to the front and rear? Or do both out puts go to the rear?
What little I can see of the top cover of the transmission indicates it is a 75-on car also.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
motor markings
QUESTION: Must have been in a hurry, it doesn't have a transfer case, sorry about that. I work with Jeeps all day, just habit to add transfer case. Anyways, I appreciate the information. Now maybe i can get this thing sold and out of here. Here is a picture of the markings on the motor
AnswerThat is a casting number not an engine number. The engine number is stamped into a flange at the top of the block next to the cylinder head. The prefix should be "FM" and the number after will determine the aprox. year. 75 = 28001 on with a possible suffix of "UE" 76 = 45001 on, 77 = 85026 on, 78 = 100735 on, 79 = 150002 on and 80 = 168502 on.
They are always stamped in, never cast in.