Triumph Repair: 76 spitfire master cylinder, dowel pin, moss motors

QUESTION: I am overhauling a tandem master cylinder and am unsure of the direction of the rubber pistons.  The pistons next to the spring can only go one way but the other one can go either way. Picture would be nice, but text would work.

Triumph Repair: 76 spitfire master cylinder, dowel pin, moss motors

Enclosed is a picture of your tandem master cylinder and the seals.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick answer Howard.  My master cylinder is a later model from a 1976 spitfire.  It does not have the tipping valve. It has four seals on two separate shafts.  I think you answered my question when you said the lip on the seals always face the fluid.

Triumph Repair: 76 spitfire master cylinder, dowel pin, moss motors
Later Spitfire master  
The one with the tipper valve should have gone to 77 and in 78 they went to the cylinder that held the deepest piston in with a small dowel pin under the reservoir seal. (according to Haynes, but Moss Motors does say the early one only went to 75 and the later one started in 76) I don't remember but if you have a 76 an it has the later one, then Moss confirms that.

Here is a picture of the later cylinder that you have.
