Triumph Repair: 1972 triumph cooling diagram, coolant hoses, pressure coolant
QuestionHi, I have a 1972 triumph spitfire and just relpaced all the coolant hoses and clamps. I'm Not sure i have them replaced where they should be!!. Is there any diagram, etc. for this model. The Haynes manual is not clear on this matter. Also is 10 W 40 engine oil OK to use. Thank-you in advance, Wayne...
Hi Wayne,
I could not find a diagram of hose connections but did find this attached drawing of an early Spitfire hose connections. Just keep in mind that for coolant to circulate through the heater core, one end must be connected to the higher pressure coolant and the other must be connected to lower or suction side. The heater control valve can be on either hose.
Just look at your water pump and radiator and you can see which is the high pressure side and the suction side, then see where the heater hoses connect to each. The heater core nor the heater valve care which direction the coolant flows as long as they are connected to a high pressure side of the pump to radiator and one side connected to the suction side (radiator to pump)
I don't know what year this drawing is but as I remember it was typical.