Triumph Repair: Spitfire Viscous clutch fan, clutch fan, grating noise
I'm getting a loud grating noise from the front on my 77 spitfire's engine and using a stethescope tracked it down to the water pump. Not sure if it's the pump or the viscous clutch fan bearing, I'll loosen the fan belt to check the water pump movement later. My question is, if I have to replace the water pump and or the viscous clutch fan, would you recommend going to the earlier pump and fan without the viscous clutch ? Does it add any measurable efficiency or is it another thing to fail ?
AnswerHi Steve,
Usually a fan clutch when it starts making noise, it will be loose if you wiggle it. Also you can rotate it when the engine is stopped and tell if it's bearings are bad.
It is always debatable If a fan clutch does that much good. Many opt for an electric fan that can be shut off above 35 MPH as any fan it almost useless above 35 MPH anyway.