Triumph Repair: TR7 High Idle, moss motors, manual conversion
QuestionThe air pump was with a group of parts I received with car , bad assumption I guess the blocked off hose is supposed to go to a carbon filter. but more importantly:You were right about the air entering the choke orifice once I covered it, the engine slowed and stalled. So how do I repair it and or adjust it?
AnswerI believe that type used a wax filled bulb to turn the choke off as the coolant heated up and the wax leaks out and I don't know if it is available or not. You need to take it apart but first purchase a manual for the car before taking it apart. If it is the type I described, I have got them to last a little longer by removing the wax filled bulb and in where the pin goes, I dropped a small ball bearing which extends the length of the pin out of the wax bulb and I got another year or so use out of a bad one.
If you can't fix it, you may want to contact Moss Motors (they have a web site and a toll free phone on the Net) and ask if they still have a manual conversion for the choke system.