Triumph Repair: Rolling road forTR6 engine on carbs., dynos, dynamometer
QuestionHi, My 'specialist' intends taking my car to rolling road.
(No ECU of course) Following the sort of results that may emerge from this session and presuming that they find the engine out of tune,-How can they tell what part of the 'timing' needs to be put right,and would the car have to be taken away for alteration and a fresh rolling road be booked for each 'trial' go?
AnswerHi Nick,
"Rolling Road" meaning a Dynamometer? Tuning on a Dyno is the best method to find and correct problems in a car. It allows a mechanic to test the car under all driving conditions while he monitors the electrical system, Ignition system and fuel system and engine in "Real Time".
Most shops with Dynos have good monitoring equipment and "yes" they can get the correct advance curve best suited for each car rather than using what a factory says is "OK-middle of the road for that brand of car"
Once a good advance curve for a distributor for that car is established by Dyno tuning, you should not have to make any changes unless you modify the engine.