Triumph Repair: 76 triumph spitfire 1500, oil pressure gauge, triumph spitfire 1500

Triumph Repair: 76 triumph spitfire 1500, oil pressure gauge, triumph spitfire 1500
my car
the oil light has been coming on and not going out what would make that happen the oil level if fine and the car runs great! i have just got done replacing most of the seals and gaskets and rebuilt the carb. changed oil and plugs wires cap coil rotor reset timing and more when i got all this done the car started right up and drives great! the only thing is the oil light is on all the time and i was wondering about the rear wheels seem to tuck a lot is that normal????

Hi Nicholas,
You need to put a known good hydraulic oil pressure gauge on the engine right away and test the true oil pressure because when the oil light is on it means the oil pressure is very low low and that can mean the engine will be destroyed very soon if run that way.

On a gauge you should see 25 PSI to 45 PSI at idle with hot oil and 45 PSI to 75 PSI at 2000 RPM.
Anything less than that is an indication something is wrong.

Oil pressure is measured between the oil pump and the bearings. A pressure regulator valve controls the oil pressure so it does not climb too high when the RPM is raised.

If you have a good operating oil pressure gauge on the car and it reads as I noted above but the oil light is on then you just need to check the wiring by just unplugging the wire from the idiot light sending unit to see if the light goes out. If it does all you need to go is to get a new sending unit. If the light stays on when you unplug the wire then you have a short in the wiring.

When you say the rear wheels "Tuck" do you mean they tuck in at the top or tuck in at the bottom? These are two different problems.