Triumph Repair: Spitfire will not run, starter solenoid, voltage coil
QuestionI have a 76 Spitfire, run fine last year, stored for 6 months, replaced battery, started and ran for about two miles then stopped. Now will turn over acts like it is going to start but when i let go of the key the engine stops. Thought it might be drive resistor, replaced, no change. No voltage on positive side of coil with key in run position. Help.
AnswerHi Chuck,
The ignition switch provides power directly to the coil by way of pin #3 on the ignition switch to a white wire that goes to a RESISTOR wire which plugs into the white w/yellow tracer wire that goes to the coil.
Follow the w/yellow wire from the coil back to the junction where the resistor wire plugs in and unplug the resistor wire and test it for power with the key in the ignition position and if no power replace the resistor wire.
The way that the system operates is that when in the start position power is applied to the low voltage coil (6v) by a w/yellow wire from the starter solenoid. When the engine is started, and the key is released back to the run position, the solenoid no longer supplies power to the coil and the resistor wire now supplies power to the low voltage coil. This resistor wire is necessary so as not to damage the low voltage coil and the ignition igniter.