Triumph Repair: 71 TR-6 Clutch, piston moves, diaphragm spring

My 71 TR-6 has been trouble free until recently. Without warning, the clutch will not disengage. The odd thing is that the pushrod at the slave cylinder is exhibiting excessive travel; so much so that it actually detaches the boot from the cylinder housing. I'm suspecting some trouble in the bell housing with the cross shaft, it's taper pin, the throw out bearing or the clutch diaphragm spring.

Before I pull the transmission I was hoping for a second opinion so I can rule out the slave cylinder. Thanks for your help!

Hi Bill,
The TR-6 has a history of the tapered pin failing thus causing too much travel in the slave cylinder piston. Many discard it and drill and install a grade 8 bolt extending all the way through. (not an easy job)

The slave cylinder is nothing but a cylinder with a piston and seal in it and there is no test. If the piston moves and don't leak fluid that is all it is suppose to do.
