QuestionI have a 1972 Triumph Spitfire Mark IV I need to know the correct wiring on the back of my ignition switch? The back of the switch has four posts they are labeled 1,2,3, and 5. I replaced the ignition switch and now the car will not shut off. Each of the posts on the back have more than 1 connector on each. I got the wires off and don't know which post to put them on. Do you know what wires goes where and what color going to what post?
According to the factory diagram, the wires on the ignition switch should be as follows:
1 - White/Red Switch to Starter solenoid (trigger wire)
2 - Brown Switch to Starter solenoid (power connection from battery)
3 - White Switch to Alternator, Coil, voltage stabilizer and lights
5 - Black Switch to heater motor, radio, and overdrive (if equipped)
I'm away from the collection at the moment so I can't double check.