Triumph Repair: Stromberg Zenith 150 cd, jet adjustment, float chamber
QuestionQUESTION: I am rebuilding the dual Strombergs from my 1970 GT-6+. I have left one completely assembled as a backup to make sure it gets back together propperly. I am attempting to remove the float from the front Carb, but I cannot get the float tub off. I have removed the six screws but there is nothing. Do I have to remove the fuel mixture screw to get it off? If so how do i take it off. It is made of brass, and my tools are tearing it up. I cannot get it to turn no matter what I use. I need any tips you can give me. Thanks for the help.
ANSWER: Hi Justin,
The gasket on the float chamber is noted for bonding to the two surfaces and sticking to make it difficult to break loose. It is compounded when it is on one of the Strombergs that have the adjustable jet in the bottom. The type that has the jet adjustment is sealed to the float chamber with just a "O" ring just like the typical ones so other than making it difficult to break the stuck gasket loose it should not be a factor if you could pull the float chamber straight off.
If it were mine I would purchase a good 6 point box end wrench and remove the jet assembly thus making the float chamber able to be pried up on one side so as to break the gasket loose.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have everything removed from the entire carb except for that tub. I have the gasket broken loose because if I remove the screws and attempt to remove the jet adjustment it turns the whole tub a 1/4 inch or so. But that is the only movement in any direction i can get. I have soaked the whole thing in carb cleaner in an attempt to remove or break down and varnished gasoline in the tub, but it has done nothing for me. I am in dire straights here, because the cheapest carbs I can find new are 1000.00 for a set. I have a 7000.00 dollar budget for this car and that would definitely put me over. Thanks.
AnswerJustin, The only types of Strombergs that I have ever seen are the ones with a plug in the bottom center and the ones with an adjustable jet and neither one have any solid attachment to the float chamber and only are sealed by an "O" ring inside. All of the ones I have seen with the adjustable jets had a large hex up close to the float chamber and you need to leave the screws in the float chamber and put a six point box end wrench on the large hex and unscrew it before removing the float chamber screws. Or remove the screws holding the float chamber and since the gasket is loose pry the float chamber off of the jet assembly by prying on both sides at one time.
If that don't work for you, take them to a local British Car repair shop and ask them to remove them. Any British car shop (MG, Triumph or Jaguar)has experience on Strombergs.