Triumph Repair: Motor swap, milky brown, wd 40

I just bought a 1971 GT6.  The motor is siezed with a very low likely-hood of getting her broken loose.  What motors will work with the original transmission?  I am willing to buy kits if necessary.  And if there are no alternatives, could you suggest a reliable retailer to purchase a new motor from?

Hi Justin,
If the engine is locked up, it depends on what locked it up as to weather it is destroyed or just stuck form surface rust on the cylinder walls. Either way, unless it has put a rod through the block it will probably be much cheaper to rebuild that engine than to purchase a new one. Check with your local auto machine shop for costs to rebuild. To test that, first check the oil dip stick to see that the oil is not colored milky brown and looks like good oil then just remove all the plugs and put about 3 or 4 tablespoons of WD-40 in each hole and wait a day and put the car in 4th gear and have a friend help rock the car forward and aft very hard to see if the engine will start to move. If the crankshaft starts to move continue the process.
I don't know of any engine except a TR-250 that is a bolt-in and they are not laying around in junk yards with good engines. You may also try John's Cars for a conversion kit to put a different kind of engine in the car. They are on the Internet and I think have a toll free number.