Triumph Repair: Spitfire ignition, pertronix electronic ignition, luminition ignition
This is a what's better question. I'd like to know what the benefits are or installing a Pertronix electronic ignition or the Pertronix flame thrower distributor. The setup I have now is a Lucas Distributer #45DE4 with a piranha ignition. I have never run this engine since I bought it. My other engine from the 79 Spitfire has the Luminition ignition. Which of these would be the best setup with the least amount of problems, thanks, Mack
Figure that any of the original distributors are 30 years old. The Lumenition did not have a reputation for lasting many miles/years.
If you put a timing light on the current setup and see a great amount of timing scatter then it's probably time for a new(er) distributor as the bushings on the shaft are likely to be shot.
Before spending any $$ it's always better to figure out if what you have is working.