Triumph Repair: indicators, instrument light, spitfire 1500

QUESTION: I have a spitfire 1500 today the indicators just stoped working. Not even the green light shows up inside the car. What may have caused this and is it easy to but right.

ANSWER: Hi Mark, what year is your Spitfire?

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QUESTION: Sorry its a 1973.

ANSWER: Hi Mark,
Each instrument light is individual and some come from different sources so you need to pick just one circuit to trace and that may correct the others.

The "Ign" light and the oil light come from the ignition switch (pin #3) by way of a white wire. This same pin on the Ignition switch powers the ignition system so if the engine starts and runs the pin on the sw is ok. If you have no oil light nor "Ign" light with the key on then you need to test the bulbs first then the white wire that feeds them and don't forget to test the grounds on the dash.


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QUESTION: Hi Howard Im not sure we are discussing the same thing, correct me if im wrong. The problem is the indicators not working all other electrics seam fine. Not even the light on the dash that shows the indicators are on is work it would apper that there is just no power to them.


We may not be talking about the same thing so name one "Indicator" that you are talking about. When trying to trace down a problem in electrics you need to just take one circuit to trace to find a problem so name just one Indicator (as you call it) that does not work.