Triumph Repair: TR 250 accelerator/vacuum control valve adjustment, vacuum units, throttle shaft

I have had the carbs rebuilt and also had to rebuild (fix) the vacuum control valve. I reinstalled it and am not sure how to adjust the accelerator linkage to depress the retard plunger the right amount. Autopress has a drawing on page 38 which shows .030" but is this with the cam on the hard stop or just what? If you take the cam .030" from the plunger you would not get any retard it seems.

Hi Stan,
If you are talking about the external vacuum valve that controls one of the two vacuum units on the distributor, we just checked to see that there was free play in the linkage with the throttle closed and there was about .125" clearance before the slack was taken up and this was at the throttle shaft. I never heard about .030" out at the cam. Don't know what they are talking about.