Triumph Repair: 73 triumph spitfire clutch mastercylinder, clutch master cylinder, triumph spitfire
QuestionThe piston for my clutch master cylinder is pushed part way into the valve body.How do I remove the piston or get it bac to the keeper ring?
AnswerHi Ron,
When rebuilding a clutch master cylinder you first take the circlip out and first try to get the piston out by striking the cylinder down hard on a block of wood. (open end first) If that don't jar the piston out then you can do the second method and that is to wrap and tie a rag over the open end of the cylinder and apply compressed air to the line fitting hole and blow it out. Depending on how hard the piston is stuck in the cylinder and the amount of line air pressure you have it should force the piston out with a "Bang" that sounds like a shot gun.
If that don't get it out then you need to buy a new cylinder. You should replace or rebuild the slave cylinder at the same time. Use DOT 4 fluid.