Triumph Repair: interchangeability, roadster factory, moss motors

QUESTION: I own a 76 triumph spitfire, the PDWA Valve is squirting a little brake fluid out the end where it connects electriclly I have found a complete proportioning valve with switch however it is for a TR6 It looks the same except for the electrical connection is vertical and not horizonal.My question is will this proportioning valve work on my spitfire??   Thank's Robert

ANSWER: Hi Robert,
The valve is not a proportioning valve, it is only a differential light operating valve. It turns a light on when there is a different pressure in the two systems. I never tried to use a different valve on the Spitfire but if the lines fit and I think they will you should be able to use it. There was a kit available to put new seals on the little bar that moves the light switch but I have not looked lately to see if it is still available.

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QUESTION: Howard, Thank you for your fast response to my question. Tell me, Do you remember who offers these little O-Rings ? I took mine apart and it had some sludge in it however it cleaned right up putting it back together i did notice that one O-Ring fit snug however the other slid on much easier, I'm guessing that is where my leakage is coming from. Who sells these O-Rings Or will regular generic rubber o-rings work?  Thank's again, Robert.

Robert, I don't remember but you can check with each, Engel Imports, The Roadster Factory, Moss Motors, Victoria British and Import Parts North West. They all have web sites and toll free numbers.

I do believe that any new "O" ring will work as I believe most new rubber is resistant to brake fluid. If you want to be safe I would just pickle one in a small jar of brake fluid for a week before you use one to see that it does not swell up. You should be using DOT 4 fluid.