Triumph Repair: tr4, mechanic work, jasper georgia

QUESTION: where can i take my tr4 63 model for carb adjusted also clutch.

ANSWER: That depends on what country and what state you are in.

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QUESTION: pickens county jasper georgia

ANSWER: Sorry, I don't know anyone in that area but don't let a mechanic work on the carburetors unless they have British car experience. The clutch is basically the same as many Domestic cars so most any mechanic can work on it.
There should be a British car specialist in Jasper as there are many MG cars in that area. Any experienced MG mechanic can work on the TR-4 carbs. You may have to just call a few repair shops to find one if there are none advertised in you local yellow pages.

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QUESTION: is there anyone around atlanta ga. marietta, ga.
thanks howard

I'm sure there are many around that area as I use to talk to many of them by phone when I was working for BeckArnley/WorldParts Corp. as a tech rep in Nashville. Just look in an Atlanta yellow pages. Also contact this Import auto parts store in Atlanta and ask who works on TR-4s in the area. Most British auto parts stores know all the shops that work on British cars in their area. ([email protected])