Triumph Repair: Header rail seal, rubber seal, keven
QuestionQUESTION: Hello Howard, could you please tell me which way round I fit the header rail seal? There is a flat side and a bulge side...just wondering which side faces out?
I appreciate your help for such a simple problem.
ANSWER: Kevin, are you talking about the top seal that fits up against the windshield? If so, I thought that there was a lip on the back side so that would make the round part face forward. Is that what you are referring to?
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QUESTION: It's the rubber seal that fits onto the soft top frame and presses against the chrome header rail - (the chrome strip at the top of the windscreen). Just dont know which way round it goes?
AnswerKeven, if there is a lip on the top rail on the back side, then the flat part of the seal goes toward that lip. I don't have one to look at but that is how I remember it. If the top rail is flat with no lip front or back than it doesn't matter which way it goes.