Triumph Repair: brake line leak, propane torch, coat hanger
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Howard, Me again I was loosing brake fluid this week I found the leak. Its between the rear flex hose and the wheel cylinder I wrenched it tight still leaks, I was wondering if I was just to replace the washer between them could this stop the leak? The wheel cylinder is a year old the flex Line is Old never replaced it before. any ideas??
ANSWER: Hi Mark,
If it is the connection that uses a banjo fitting, it does have a copper washer on either side of the banjo fitting. But if it is a flair fitting there is no washer and you will need to remove it and look to see why it is leaking. (be sure to use DOT 4 fluid)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yep using castrol LMA.. Nope no flare fitting just the copper washer between the flex hose and wheel cylinder. Could the old copper washer be my problem or is it just a spacer?
AnswerThe copper washer is a seal. Once it is compressed it sometimes is difficult to get it to seal again. Don't apply any kind of sealant to it. You need a new one or you can take a pan of water and a piece of straight coat hanger and a propane torch and put the washer on the end of the coat hanger and heat it with the torch until it is all red then dump it in the cold water. This swells the copper up so it can be reused if a new one is not available.