Triumph Repair: shift knob, overdrive switch, shifter knob
QuestionI have a 1976 spitfire and we are trying to get the shifter knob off .it has a slide lockout in the middle of it . I can't find anybody that knows what this is and how it works.
That's an aftermarket piece of junk and you need to send it to me immediately. My home address is.. (just kidding)
Ok, seriously it sounds like you have a shiftlever with the overdrive switch. That's a good thing, if the o/d transmission is also there.
To remove the shift lever on the '75-80 Spitfires, pull the dash support (holds the radio) and the carpet over the transmission tunnel. Undo whatever is still holding the shifter gaiter (bellows) in place and you should see a round metal ring around the shift lever.
Push the ring down and twist about a 1/8 turn and it should release.