Triumph Repair: Transmission and clutch, air clutch, clutch plate
QuestionJim- It is Ross again. I was able to get the new transmission into the '74. Everything looked great on the clutch plate, etc... I have not changed the slave cylinder or bled it as of yet. I can go through all of the gears without using the clutch though. I hope it is not a clutch plate issue as it was a hassle putting the transmission back in. It is not running as of yet but when I put into gear I can not turn the driveshaft by hand like I can when it is in neutral. I am thinking it is the slave cylinder. An thoughts?
Thanks, Ross
"when I put into gear I can not turn the driveshaft by hand like I can when it is in neutral"
I'm not sure of your question. Is the transmission in and hooked up fully? Car in the air? Clutch pedal out or depressed?
If the transmission is fully installed with the car on the ground, no you'll not be able to turn the driveshaft without moving the car around.
Maybe give me a better feel for the exact setup and I can better respond.