Triumph Repair: 79 Spitfire cold starting problems, output coil, proper job
I frequently have to charge the battery on my spit during winter (once or twice a week). The car is used daily covering about 10 miles. I have replaced the battery and starter motor. The alternator looks in good condition and the I get 14 volts when the car is running (suggesting that the battery is charging). I have electronic ignition and a high output coil fitted, everything else electrical is standard. Do you have any ideas? Is it possible the standard alternator isn't up to the job and / or is it worth fitting a high output alternative?
Many thanks
If the electrical system is showing 14v with the engine running then the issue is not the alternator. It's doing it's proper job.
How old is the battery? If it's not a "no maintanence" type, are you keeping the cells properly topped up?
If you can do it I'd suggesting taking the battery to one of the autoparts stores that can do testing and have them do a load test on the battery.
If the bettery tests out ok then there's a power drain in the car when the ignition is turned off. A way to test for that is to disconnect the positive battery lead and put an ammeter in series. With the ignition off you shouldn't see any drain. If there is, it's time to start pulling fuses and checking circuits.