Triumph Repair: seat retrofit, spitfire 1500, upholstery shops

Hi Jim, we have a 1979 spitfire 1500 and the seats need to be replaced/reupholstered.  I have seen Miata seats for sale where the seller claims they have been retrofitted to fit the spitfire.  What do you think? Have you heard of this and if so, would this be a practical/economical solution?


I've heard from several people who have fitted the Miata seats.  From the comments made:

1)  Miata seats sit a bit taller than stock, so if you're tall there's a chance you'll be up into the convertible top.

2)  get a set of seats with speakers in the headrest if possible.  Makes hearing the stereo realistic in a Spitfire.

3)  Use the Miata set tracks and mod them to fit the Spitfire floor area.  Drill new holes to mount the tracks into the Spitfire floor pan.

Check around for the Miata seats.. and check local upholstery shops to see what kinds of pricing you're offered to recover the stock seats.  Keep in mind that most of the "bargain" shops use low density replacement foam.. ok for the seat backs but not for the seat base.

