Triumph Repair: 79 Spit Carb Issues, combustion chamber, blue smoke
I have a 79 Spit with a Stromberg carb (converted to a manual choke) and had troubles in the recent past with the choke. I did some troubleshooting, pulled the choke, adjusted the idle mixture screws to their mid-point and got the car started. Here are the concerns: 1) The car blows blue smoke out of the exhaust during operation now. Idles a little rough, but does idle without manipulation. Smells like it's running rich. 2) Can't get the RPMs to get above 2,000. Any help or suggestions?
Blue smoke is a sign that oil is getting burnt in the combustion chamber. Is the smoke on acceleration or on overrun?
It also sounds like either the float level is incorrect (too high perhaps) and/or the timing is not correct. That would account for the limited power.