Triumph Repair: no fluid to rear brake lines, fluid pumps, rear brakes
QuestionQUESTION: I have recently replaced some rear break lines, resulting in a nearly empty master cyclinder in my 1973 Spitfire. Now I have fluid flowing to front brakes, but nothing is pumping out of the MC into the rear lines.
ANSWER: Hi Carlton, start bleeding at the line in the master cylinder that goes to the rear brakes. If you can not get anything out of that line at the MC then you need to first check to see that the brake pedal is retracting all the way. If so then you most likely have a master cylinder problem.
Let me know,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you, Howard. Disconnecting the rear line at the MC, only a little fluid pumps out at first, then nothing more. The pedal seems to be working. Does this mean that I've ruined some seal or other in the MC as it set waiting for me to finish working on the brakes and lines? It set for a couple of months with only a small amount of fluid in the MC and the lines open at all four wheels. I have no reason to think there was anything wrong prior to this. I tore things apart because I had a brake dragging. I need to rebuild the MC with a kit?
AnswerYes, you should rebuild the master cylinder and examine the bore carefully for pits. Make sure you don't use DOT 3 fluid. Use DOT 4. If you had DOT 3 in it, you should flush the whole system right away with DOT 4. Some seals you buy today are compatible with DOT 3 but unless you know all of your seals are compatible, play it safe by using DOT 4.