Triumph Repair: TRIUMPH TR6 BRAKE REPAIRS, needlenose pliers, retaining pins
QuestionI have been following the Haynes manual but find this section vague. I have the brake drum off and the brake shoes exposed and wish to remove them. What is the next step to remove?
Thanks, JOhn
The shoes are held in place by the springs (top and bottom of the shoe) and by retaining pins with clips that go through the shoe and through the backplate. You can release the pins by pushing down on the retaining clip and rotating the head of the pin with a pair of needlenose pliers. Carefully release the retaining clip or it'll fly across the room.
Then I use a pair of pliers or vicegrips to grab the bottom of the show and pull it away from the adjuster and forward off the backing plate. Usually undoing one shoe will give enough slack to unhook the bottom spring. Then you can remove the shoes from the wheel cylinder by working them away as a pair, with the top spring still in place.