Triumph Repair: Carburetor, zenith carb, spitfire 1500
QuestionI have a 1978 Spitfire 1500 convertible with a zenith carb CD. My problem is we have gas to the carb but the engine will not fire. If I use starting fluid the engine will fire so I believe the gas is not getting to the firing chamber. Also when it did run, the car would run for a short time and stop. This seems to be a fuel supply issue. I have had the carb rebuilt in the last 3 years. How do I get this posted on the Truimph Repair message board?
It's possible that either the float needle valve is sticking shut, or that the float level is improperly adjusted.
Have you made sure the dashpot is properly topped up with oil and that the diaphram inside the carb is still in one piece?