QuestionSorry to add on to my question, but I found more out about my problem.
Alright, I now know what the complete problem is. Inside the switch there are three metal connectors, 1 leading to the relay, which must be touched for both the right and left blinkers. Then one leading to the right blinker, and one to the left.
Now, I know the relay is fine seeing as how my hazards work. By MY TURN SIGNALS DO NOT WORK AT ALL. I touch a screw driver head to both plates, and the signals do not work. I am pretty sure I checked the connections, and they are fine, any other suggestions? Could one of the prongs on my relay really not work?
Thank you in Advance.
From what I'm reading in the Bentley manual for the late Spitfires, there MAY be separate flasher units for the hazards and the turn signals. The flasher relay is up on the right side behind the glove box, and the hazard relay is on the left side...
I need to go dig under the dash in my '78 this weekend to see if I can verify any of this.