QuestionHey, I don't want to waste yr time i realize there people with serous questions, but i....Some month ago i saw a fiat, and i thot it was beautiful and it was, the guy was asking 1k but i did not have it. i put the dream on hold, but a month ago i began to search on-line again for a fiat, looking at old advertisements, then on e-bay i saw off to the side, british sport cars, i clicked and my entire life changed i saw the spitfire and i fell in love. I have to get this car. i know nothing about cars, but i want to learn, i want to learn what makes a spitfire tick, there is a a tech school and the mechanic will allow to work on my car and learn at the same time, but what i want to know is where and how to i begin my search? What schould i know before i begin my search? Is there a price range of these cars? Should i consider e-bay? Thank you for yr time, i am going home in a week, end of the semester, and i am proposing this idea to the folks and hope i can get some $upport, so i need to get my facts right, thanks again. A devoted spitfire fan, hoping one day to be a owner,
Brock Williams
There's a lot of good information out there about the cars.. and as always a bit of confusion too.
The best place to start is to look for a local Triumph club (or maybe multi-marque British car club) to see the cars up close and personal.... they'll also likely have leads on cars available locally.
If you need help finding a Triumph club you can check out the resources on the Vintage Triumph Register website ( and look at the link for "Chapters and Zones" to find a club near you.
I don't recommend going the eBay route unless you have lots of spare $$$ and don't mind dealing with sometimes less than honest people. If you do.... maybe I have a car I can sell you... ;)