Triumph Repair: Rust, living room furniture, plastic tarp

Hi, im thinking of getting a triumph spit 1300, iv not got a garage and may have to hire one, the question is: how long can a triumph spitfire realisticly spend out doors before it gets drastic? (rust wise)
thanks, Jack


It depends on several things.  

First off, where you're located.  In west Texas (or New Mexico or Arizona, etc) you can leave one out for years before rust is an issue.

Somewhere with more rain?  That'll depend upon:

how good is the soft top?
How are the other seals?  doors, trunk lid, etc?
what condition the car is already?  After all, it's at least 35 years old.

If you're driving the car on a regular basis it's not so bad, as you'll take care to dry the car out between storms, etc.  If it's going to sit immobile, there are several things to think about.

The water in the car will encourage corrosion of the body steel.  It will also encourage corrosion in the electrical system (switches and connectors), the seat tracks have a tendency to rust, etc etc.

If you must keep the car outdoors as "storage", try the following.  Park the car on a hard surface (concrete or asphalt) that drains well.  Remove the seats and carpets.  Put the seats somewhere safe (with some 2x4 pieces they make great living room furniture) and put the carpets in a bag in the trunk.  Put the soft top up and get a decent car cover.  If it's going to be a long slumber you can cover the top of the car cover with a plastic tarp to keep the car cover from getting soaked as badly and rotting in the sunlight.

If you put a plastic tarp directly on the car it will trap moisture and increase your problems.  Set it up so there is airflow around the car.

