Triumph Repair: Brakes, spitefire, wheel cylinder
I've got a problem with a brake rebuild on a 1975 spitefire. I had to rebuild the right rear brake cylinder as it was frozen in place. No problem there. I decided to rebuuild the master cylinder ( tandem, earlier type) and seemingly went back together just fine. no indidcation of scoring etc. The fron calipers are fine, and are rebuilds from Victoria British.
I cannot get the system bleed properly. I think the PDA valve is out of position, and I'm unable to get it back in place. could this valve be the problem. ?
What are the symptoms? It's tough to diagnose without more info.
It's possible that you have air trapped in the brake master itself.
And also, if you rebuilt one wheel cylinder, you really should rebuild the other side also, otherwise you'll still have trouble with the "good" side grabbing better than the other side.