QuestionWe recently purchased this car. We were told it hasn't been cranked in over a year so we drained the gas and oil and replaced both. Also, the guy we bought it from said the lights weren't working so he was in the process of rewiring it. Far as he got was unplugging all of the wires. We got a book and rewired the fuse box. We tried to crank it today, it turns over but doesn't crank. It is getting gas. I took the wire off of the distributor to check for spark, no spark. Any suggestions? Also, any ideas about the lights not working? None of them work. Thank you for any help.
Answer1- the feseboxes in mg's are awful, check it over for loose connections, corrosion and burnt bits, replace it if its really bad.. a thorough and skillful rework with longnose pliers, emery paper and copper grease should be enough though.
-----get it started----- (good for morale, neccesary)
there are two wires to the coil, one from the distributor(k, one from the ignition switch.
connect a wire from battery+ to the ignition switch side of the coil, crank engine :)
It should now be running. - if not ask again /rest of answer not relevant.
next job,(if started)
-----find the break-----
pull the wire off the battery(careful, treat it like an HT lead) - engine stops.
at the ignition switch you have(should have) a white-only wire, this is what supplies the coil, test it with a bulb/meter for power when ignition is 'on'.
I expect it does give power, so, if it does- continue, else report back:
follow the white wire along the loom, test for continuity from the ignition switch to the coil. you must find a break in the wire or a broken/detatched/corroded connector or blown fuse along this wire- because there is one.
report your progress/lack thereof.
(very)useful pages:
lucas colour codes
testing for continuity
distributor - just for illutration
Reckon I've swung the door open for you... enjoy. I'll check back here daily.