UK Car Repair: step by step guide to repairing, opel astra, block test

opel astra csx ,5 door sedan, 2.0 l  ,1998cc 16 v petrol, 2000 model
yesterday whilst i was driving the engine warning light on the dashboard came on and the engine was running very uneven , as if it was only running on 3 pistons.
ive checked the spark plugs and cords but there is spark from the distrubetor to the plugs so i think it might be electrical

straight to the point:

1. Check EACH plug lead for spark, it could be a bad individual lead.
2. Check each sparkplug (visually for high carbon, white coating or damage or wetness with fuel)and by watching for spark from the plug when its resting on the block)) test each plug in turn (This helps you identify the missing cylinder/s/bad wires and figure out if it is no-spark, no fuel or no compression, or indeed bad mixture)
3. vauxhall has its own diagnostics so it's dealer-only most of the time for a diagnostic scan...

If you actually want the car fixed you could do much worse than send me a pic of the sparkplugs as they look when taken out of the engine, good quality pics! I'll tell you what's happening.
... most peope can't be bothered... I ask why ask in the first place if you don't want to know?.