QuestionQUESTION: I have a restored 1980 MGB. After driving it and putting it in my garage, there is a leakage the next morning. I cannot figure out where it's coming from. It's definitely coming from under the car. I do not see any where in the engine area where it could be. Under the car, I se at least two areas. HELP.
ANSWER: ** FOLLOW UP ---> Is it oil, water, coolant, petrol, brake fluid or unidentified?
Just as preliminaries - are any of the carpets wet?
are the sill and door drainage holes clear - the sills/doors can fill with water and drip for about a week after parking.
- check the engine side of the firewall/bulkhead for dripping/streaming water, my hunch is that the heater matrix pipes are perished and leaking.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The fluid is not water and there are no leaks into the pasenger/driver compartment. As best as I can determine, the liquid is more like oil when I rub it between my fingers. The problem is that i cannot determine if it is - oil from the crankcase or somewhere else. Someone told me to buy a dye with fluorescent components and put in the oil. I have noticed that the garage floor is "stauined" with soot from the exhaust pipe. I am wondering if the oil is leaking. But the car does not smle when I am driving it. Sorry for this long winded reply.
Maybe brake fluid, maybe washer bottle fluid, maybe oil
This has a hydraulic clutch - check the slave cylinder, and all the piping upto the master cylinder, and the master cylinder itself for leaks - check the reservoir-master cylinder seal for leaks - I've seen so many problems with every part of this clutch system, especially "renovated" examples.
Check for brake fluid coming from under the reservoir of the brake master cylinder - the rubber grommet that holds it to the brake master cylinder can perish, crack and leak. Check all brake flexible-hoses and pipes, front and back - check where they join and inspect the slave cylinders for leaks. check the whole everything.
Push the brake pedal hard.. if it creeps to the floor**** don't drive the car until you find the source of the leak.
If its not hydraulic/brake fluid.. :/
have you had a look underneath it?
PS -little splatters of soot aren't a sign of any problem, when you start it on choke and let it run a while it will burn quite dirty and leave some soot.