QuestionQUESTION: hi i have a 2005 shogun pinin.i have a problem with the drivers window when i press the switch i hear a clicking sound,the passengers window works fine.looks like there is power to the drivers window switch but just doesnt work?
ANSWER: Could be any number of problems -
Where does the clicking come from? - Middle of the drivers door, under the dashboard our under the bonnet.
Can you move the window manually up and down by pushing and pulling it? - Or is the window loose- - E.G. it's held by its cables but is loose in the runners?
_ what happened leading up to this.. Has the window been slow, or making any grinding noises/metallic crunching/Whining???
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QUESTION: hi the window worked fine before hand no metalic noises crunching or whining the window wont move manually and the clicking noise comes from the middle of the drivers door,have checked fuses relay all seem fine?
ANSWER: last question.. should have asked this earlier.
is the clicking constant while you have the button pressed in either direction, or is it one click?? (If its something else describe the clicking)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: hi when the button is pressed in either direction it makes a single click only.
AnswerI think the motor has seized but the mechanism is ok.
Pretty sure you can replace just the motor £10-200 depending where you go.
and Fitting if you're not changing it yourself is £20 to £200 (depending where you go)
You can get it all done at the dealer for £400~ (probably more, and it will take them 3 goes, and they'll break something else while they are at it, and scratch your car)
Or buy the part, an argos toolkit and the haynes manual for TOTAL->£50 if you actually want it fixed :)
Sorry, bad headache - humour helps :)