The problem is the when I go to start my car in the morning it is fine, but if I stop and return about ten minutes later, or less, it won't start.
Sometimes I have to wait up to an hour-and-a-half before it will start.
It does start eventually, it's just a case of waiting, which is totally ridiculous.
Please can you tell me what you think the problem might be.
We have tried the Battery, the Plugs.
Is it the Starter Motor, or the Coil perhaps?
Please help!
Thanks in advance.
Answerwhen it "wont start" does the engine crank?
The ONLY way to diagnose it would be to get a parts shop or mechanic to run diagnistics, (£20ish)
This will give you an error code indicating which part/system is faulty.
That said, if it cranks but wont start you can try starting the car with the accelerator held to the floor (this invokes "cylinder drying")
If the car will start like this its almost always the engine Temp Sender.
You can try starting the car like that, And phone a few parts shops and mechanics for a good price for a diagnostic scan.
(I have seen people try to repair without having diagnostics run and end up with well over £1000 worth of used parts and a still-broken car, ergo, you NEED a diagnostic scan to really know what is wrong)