UK Car Repair: Is it safe to drive with a broken alt belt?, temp guage, renault megane


Afew minutes ago i was driving home when i heard  a disintergrating sound, much like driving over loose gravel. I also lost power steering and the battery light came on, but engine still worked fine. i made it home and parked the car up, and it still starts.

I opened up the bonnet, and its evident that a belt snapped, assuming its the alternator belt, as my car is a simple 1998 1.4 renault megane.

how long will i be able to drive it for and is it safe to drive for a little while as is? I live about 20 minutes from town and am very stuck for bucks, so would be relieved to be able to drive in tomorrow (and hopefully find a mechanic to fix it) as well as for work.

that belt runs water pump, power steering pump and alternator.

without it the engine will overheat, and it probably will not show up on the temp guage till it's too late.

you need as pair of tights (30+ miles till they snap) or suitable stretchy stuff to run just the water pump for a 20 minute drive that could EASILY EASILY EASILY destroy your engine without water going through the engine to cool it.

The metal elastic from a net curtain with the hooks... that stuff works great for a temporary belt, just hook it on round the necessary pullies (one round crankshaft driven pulley (bottom pulley)) and one round the water pump pulley(it has water pipes on either side of it) and youre away, 300+ miles till it snaps.