UK Car Repair: VAUXHALL VECTRA ENERGY CDTI 5 DOOR HATCHBACK 1910cc (30-04-2005) DIESEL, vauxhall vectra, plug connectors

Please help, jumped in my car this morning attempted to pull away %26 crawled forward, the engine management light came on & went off.. Then at around 2000rpm it takes off.. I've recently had the glow plugs changed as the engine management light was lit permantley... HELP ??? I can't afford to hand over limit less amounts of cash to a Vauxhall specialist....

You need to find a garage that can scan for the error codes on your ECU. Phone around and ask find a good price £10 or therabouts is a fair price, but you could get if for free at some part shops, carlines have been known to do it for free and some halfords will do it too, dont pay more than £20 if at all possible for the scan -


Also there is a known problem with the heater plug connectors, they often come loose - so check these connectors out as another possibility, a standard garage can test if they're connected properly.


Once you have the codes tell me what they are -


Also once it's got to 2000rpm does it then run properly and idle properly or is ther still a flat spot upto 2000rpm?