UK Car Repair: 1972 Mg midget`, brake master cylinder, car stereos

QUESTION: I have a 1972 Mg midget, and as far as I know it is all there, just having to hook up the hoses. And my first question is this. If it has an alternator, that would mean it is positive grounded, right? I hope I'm saying that right. And since that would be the case, how would i know? and what type of battery would be best for the car. Thank you, and I'm sure we'll talk again.

ANSWER: I'm pretty sure Its negative ground, can you send me a photo of the engine bay, showing battery leads? and one of the alternator AND one of the wires going into the starter motor.

See in the 70's car stereos were just becoming commonplace, people would often change the polarity of the ground so they could use the stereos, so you could have either. I would have to see the wiring to see if it original or it has been kitted out with a negative ground.

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UK Car Repair: 1972 Mg midget`, brake master cylinder, car stereos
QUESTION: I have attached pictures of the battery, then the solenoid and pointed out the wire running from the solenoid to the starter motor, which only has that one wire connected to it. I also have a pic of the wiring plug from the back of the alternator. It seems to run into the other wiring and then back up through the firewall. Just has the set of wires plugged into the back of it. I also have another question. I added a picture of what is the switch assembly, that is running from the brake master cylinder to it, and one of the bottom cables, I guess it's a brake line, is off. Now my Question is this, it looks threaded and has a bolt head almost like I could strew it into the assembly, but being a hard line it doesn't twist, or at least I haven't tried. Anything on that? And I greatly, greatly thank you so much for all your help. It is really, truly appreciated. Well if you need better pics let me know, and again thank you.

ANSWER: It's an inertia type starter motor, only one wire usually.

The brake line with a screw head that wont twist, a photo of that please...

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UK Car Repair: 1972 Mg midget`, brake master cylinder, car stereos
brake line and switch  
QUESTION: Ok here is the brake line right underneath the switch assembly, all the other lines are connected except that one on bottom.

it does turn, you may have to straighten it a tiny bit to crack the rust - though that pipe and  most of the system really needs replacing, it will never be safe with so much rust on the threads and all that "whiting", the brakes will certainly fail at some point if you use any of the components, it want a whole system really, you can probably salvage some of it but only things that can be made to look new when cleaned up, anything pitted, with rough edges, rusted threads, bent, ugly... don't use it on the brakes.


I wouldn't use that brake pipe again and I'm quite reckless... So get some pipes made, you may be able to reuse the master cylinder but the master cylinder is so cheap it's not worth the risk.

You want new master cylinder, new pipes, and new slave cylinder seals for anything like safe brake operation.

Luckily it's all really basic technology and any part you can't find can be made pretty cheaply.


Are you up for restoring this car?  - you may carry on asking as many questions as you like, just let me see the whole car?  - I can give you an idea of how much needs to be done, how much metal needs replacing, how to do (and where to get) the paint so it matches.