I bought my first car eight days ago, its a used Peugeot 107 with 21000 miles on its clock and is four years old. Yesterday I was driving to work and it broke down, I took it back to the garage I bought it from and they have since told me that my 'clutch pin' snapped and there is no way they could have seen this coming before they sold it to me.
I dont really know anything about how cars work so I'm feeling very much out of my depth here, could you maybe just confirm for me that a 'clutch pin' snapping is just one of those things and it couldnt have been predicted before they sold it to me..?
Many Thanks!
Answerthere are a few things this could refer to and yes these parts of the clutch do sometimes just break like this, they are constantly stressed and destressed every time you use the clutch and you guessed it - METAL FATIGUE - But i'd be wary since its such a low mileage car, are you sure the mileage is genuine, service history checks out, first+second MOT recorded mileage go along with the service recorded mileage?
Check for signs of high mileage, worn seatbelt, worn keys, loose drivers door (try to lift it up, if it rocks around its been open and shut a lot...) worn buttons, especially stereo controls, excessive stone chips in the paint - It should be on its original tyres with that mileage, and original brakepads too.
Bit of info no one ever tells you: A cambelt (Timing Belt) lasts for around 60,000 miles, all well and good - but no one tells you they only last 5 years, so It's change at 60,000 miles or 5 years whichever is sooner-
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