UK Car Repair: MGB Engince cut out, rotor arm, engine didn
QuestionHi, I was happily driving my '76 MG B along yesterday and the engine suddenly completely lost power. I let it coast to a stop and tried restarting it. The engine is ticking over but isn't starting (I've had a similar problem before where the engine didn't even try and tick over and that just turned out to be a faulty battery). It sounds like ther eis no fuel but there is. Any ideas?
AnswerIf it turns over with the starter and you know there is fuel, then it almost certainly has to be an ignition problem. Remove a plug wire and using a screwdriver which fits inside it, hold it close to the engine and have someone turn it on the key. There should be a spark from the tool to the engine. If not take the cable from the centre of the distributor and with the screwdriver do the same, if a spark appears the cap or rotor arm is likely bad. If no spark, hold a test light onto the input (+) side of the distributor and switch on the ignition, holding it there have someone turn over the engine, the light should go on and off if the points are opening and closing. If there is no light, then there is no feed from the ignition switch, if the light does not go on and off, the points are not operating!