UK Car Repair: CRV pulling to the left, tyre rotation, tyre pressure

Hi WB! I realise this isnt a US vehicle but since the topic was related to exactly what I have been searching for I thought you might be able to help me out.

I have a Honda CRV 2004 4X4. The problem is this that it runs straight on the road in neutral and while normal cruising. However, it pulls to the left while accelerating. the more faster the acceleration the harder the oull to the left. I have got it checked several times. Alignment, balancing etc. are all ok and crosschecked. Tyre pressure is equal on all 4. Tyre rotation has not helped and its all the same on any kind of road whether its crowned in the centre of flat.

Is this curable or a defect that can not be taken care of? As in India I do not believe mechanics even at honda are well trained to know about this problem i seek your advise as to what to get checked?

Your prompt response would be highly appreciated.



I really have to think about this more but: Under acceleration the power unit torques against the direction of rotation, my first thought is that this torque reaction is activating/touching something in the braking system, or perhaps putting pressure on a CV joint, what I don't know but I would suggest looking for something like this first.