UK Car Repair: corsa 1 12v starting problems, starter solenoid, spark plugs

hi, i had a problem starting the car after filling it with petrol ( yes the right type of petrol) when i turned it on the car jumped/bunny hopped forward and then stopped, i turned it off, pushed it out the way and left it , it them started agian fine... however i got it home and left it 5 mins and tried stating it up again and it wouldn't start , left it overnight and again it wouldn't start this morning,  there is power to the lights and radio etc... but the engine won't turn over atall. any advice as to what it may be would be great.

It sounds very odd. I would start by removing the spark plugs and see if they look wet.  Then I would try turning the engine over with the plugs out.  If no luck then trace the wires from the ignition to the starter solenoid and see if you have a positive feed there.  If you do the starter is bad, if you don't the ign switch is at fault.  As for the bunny jumping, do you mean when you let the clutch out, it did it, and were the engine revs very high?